Williams(1991)から引用します. です.
10.1 Filtered spaces
As basic datum, we now take a filtered space . Here,
is a probability triple as usual,
is a filtration, that is, an increasingly family of sub--algebras of :
We define
Intuitive idea. The information about in available to us at (or, if you prefer, just after) time consists precisely of the values of for all measurable function . Usuallly, is the natural filtration
of some (stochastic) process , and then the information about which we have at time consists of the values
・フィルトレーション は の部分-加法族であり,確率過程により生成される -加法族(wikipediaも参照ください)である
・ある時点において利用できる に関する情報は,その時点までの確率変数(の実現値の)列である
10.2 Adapted process
A process is called adapted (to the filtration ) if for each , is -measurable.
Intuitive idea. If is adapted, the value is known to us at time . Usually, and for some -measurable function on .