



フィルトレーションの定義を調べるその1(離散時間) - エンジニアを目指す浪人のブログ



Definition 2.5.1. A filtration on {\displaystyle T } is an increasing family {\displaystyle \{ \mathcal{F}_t | t \in T \} } of {\displaystyle \sigma }-fields. A stochastic process {\displaystyle X_t,t \in T, } is said to be adapted to {\displaystyle \{ \mathcal{F}_t | t \in T \} } if for each {\displaystyle t }, the random variable {\displaystyle X_t } is {\displaystyle \mathcal{F}_t }-measurable.

In case the filtration is not explicitly specified, then the filtration {\displaystyle \{ \mathcal{F}_t \} } is understood to be the one given by {\displaystyle \mathcal{F}_t = \sigma \{ X_s ; s \le t \} }


もう少し気の利いた説明がほしいので,Revuz and Yor(2004)を見てみます.

(4.1) Definition. A filtration on the measurable space {\displaystyle (\Omega,\mathscr{F}) } is an increasing family {\displaystyle (\mathscr{F}_t)_{t \ge 0} } of sub-{\displaystyle \sigma }-algebras of {\displaystyle \mathscr{F} }. In other words, for each {\displaystyle t } we have a sub-{\displaystyle \sigma }-algebra {\displaystyle \mathscr{F}_t } and {\displaystyle \mathscr{F}_s \subset \mathscr{F}_t } if {\displaystyle s \lt t }. A measurable space {\displaystyle (\Omega,\mathscr{F}) } endowed with a filtration {\displaystyle (\mathscr{F}_t)_{t \ge 0} }, is said to be a filtered space.

(4.2) Definition. A process X on {\displaystyle (\Omega,\mathscr{F}) } is adapted to the filtration {\displaystyle (\mathscr{F}_t)} if {\displaystyle X_t } is {\displaystyle \mathscr{F}_t}-measurable for each {\displaystyle t }.

 Any process {\displaystyle X } is adapted to its natural filtration {\displaystyle \mathcal{F}_t^0 = \sigma(X_s, s \le t) } and {\displaystyle (\mathcal{F}_t) } is to say {\displaystyle \mathcal{F}_t^0 \subset \mathcal{F}_t } for each {\displaystyle t }.
 It is the introduction of a filtration which allows for the parameter {\displaystyle t } to be really thought of as “time”. Heuristically speaking, the {\displaystyle \sigma }-algebra {\displaystyle \mathcal{F}_t } is the collection of events which may occur before or at time {\displaystyle t } or, in other words, the set of possible pasts up to time {\displaystyle t }. In the case of stationary prcesses, where the law invariant, it is the measurability with respect to {\displaystyle \mathcal{F}_t } which places the event in time.  


・フィルトレーションの導入によりパラメータ {\displaystyle t } を時間の概念として考えることができる
・フィルトレーション({\displaystyle \sigma }-加法族){\displaystyle (\mathcal{F}_t) } は,時点 {\displaystyle t } あるいはそれ以前に起こるかもしれない事象の族,いいかえると,時点 {\displaystyle t } までの過去と解釈できる
・法則不変の確率過程においては,{\displaystyle (\mathcal{F}_t) } に関する可測性は事象を(時点 {\displaystyle t } あるいはそれ以前の)時間に配置することと解釈できる

また,Kuo(2006)の記述にあるフィルトレーションの構成はRevuz and Yor(2004)の記述にある自然なフィルトレーション(natural filtration)と同じものです.


[1] Kuo, H.H. (2006), Introduction to Stochastic Integration, Springer.
[2] Revuz, D., and Yor, M. (2004), Continuous Martingales and Brownian Motion (3rd Edition), Springer.
[3] Williams, D. (1991), Probability with Martingales, Cambridge University Press.